Top 2022 Moving Destinations

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    Top 2022 Moving Destinations

    As we look forward to another year of big changes and big moves, you might be wondering where people will be headed today, and might also wondering how you should take this into account when either scoping out a move of your own, or when deciding where to move yourself! 

    When looking at the latest forecasting and what housing market predictors indicate 2022 brings for the housing market and moving trends, it seems that individuals and families are looking for warmer weather, nice beaches, and a wide choice of rental properties. Why is this? Let’s dive into housing destination predictions and why people might be looking to relocate to more ideal locations this year. 

    Where are People Moving This Year?

    As we said prior, more people than ever are seeking our states with warmer weather, beautiful beaches, and places with a lot of variety of choice in the rental market. Additionally, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, more workplaces than ever are committing to permanent work-from-home settings, which allows employees to be free from being tied to their commute, or being tied to one area in order to retain proximity to their work. 

    Because of these changes to many offices and workplaces, people are headed to states and environments more suited to them, rather than just staying in one place because it’s close to their job. Additionally, people are experiencing unprecedented work freedom, and are moving to jobs that are located in locations they desire. 

    So which states are the top moving destinations for people in 2022? Forecasters predict that the states that will see the most incoming moves this year are:

    • Florida
    • Texas
    • California

    Why these states? Let’s explore why people are flocking to Florida, Texas and California this year, and maybe even why you should too!

    Top US Moving Destinations

    Florida, Texas, and California will be seeing the biggest increase in new residents in the coming year, but why is everyone headed to these locations? Simply put, these areas have great weather and a plethora of work and employment opportunities. 

    Texas and California have very strong economies and large workforces, and Texas is experiencing particular growth in moves from large corporations, who are now setting up their headquarters in the state. With places like Tesla, Oracle, Charles Schwab and more all relocating to Texas, the economy is experiencing a high economic boost and is attracting more people than ever. 

    On top of its economic boom, Texas offers a much lower cost of living than many other states in the United States, which combines with its plethora of job opportunities to make the state extremely attractive to new residents. 

    Many are flocking to California and Florida for the beautiful weather, job opportunities, and a more laid-back lifestyle. Though California may not offer a particularly lower cost of living than Florida or other states in the US, it’s spread-out landscape (outside of its cities!), beautiful weather, and access to nature are huge selling points for renters and buyers in 2022. California is also the base for many companies, which offer workplace competition and lots of employment opportunities. 

    Florida’s warm weather, beautiful beaches, low cost of living, and more laid-back lifestyle are extremely appealing to buyers and renters just as California is – plus it offers plenty of job opportunities! 

    Why are People Moving So Much?

    Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, home renters and buyers alike are looking for more affordable housing in nicer areas than in previous times. 

    This is directly linked to remote work, as employees were freed up to move to beautiful neighborhoods where their money goes a lot farther, in comparison to living in large, cramped cities or in environments that just didn’t work for them. 

    The Best Movers for Your Move in 2022

    When it comes to moving in 2022, make sure you have the movers on your side who will make your entire process smooth and stress-free. For all of your 2022 moving needs, look no further than Carey Moving for everything you need to set yourself up for a successful move this year. 


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