Moving Resources Part 3: Packing Tips

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    Moving Resources Part 3: Packing Tips

    Part 3 of our moving resources series is all about packing: what to do and what not to do! If you hire a moving and storage company and decide to use their packing services, you may not need to worry about any of this. But if you are a DIY packer, utilize these packing tips to make your packing experience a breeze.

    Here are some of our favorite packing tips:

    1. Start early! Don’t leave packing until the last minute. If you tackle it little by little in the weeks or months before your move, you will save yourself a lot of stress.
    2. Pack heavier items in small boxes and fill large boxes with lighter items.
    3. Pack room by room: this will help you stay organized and will be easier for the labeling process.
    4. Color-code your boxes: get different colored tape or markers to keep boxes organized. Use blue for bathroom boxes and red for the kitchen, and so on.
    5. Label boxes with descriptions of packed items: this way when you get to your new home, it will be easy to locate the items that you’re looking for.
    6. Avoid newspaper: newspaper ink can get on things and destroy your possessions. Utilize bed sheets, towels, tissue paper, or unprinted newspapers to wrap your belongings.
    7. Use new boxes: old boxes taken from grocery or liquor stores are sometimes dirty and cannot withstand weight the same way that a new box can. Plus, in the wake of the current COVID pandemic, it is also a safety precaution.
    8. Personally transport sensitive items: documents, precious family heirlooms, and jewelry should be kept on you during the moving process – just in case any damage comes to the moving truck.

    For moving packing tips, see the link on our website under the moving resources tab.

    For all of your moving and storage needs, call Carey!

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