How to Save Money During a Move: Top Tips

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    How to Save Money During a Move: Top Tips

    When you’re gearing up for a move, the top concern for a lot of people is whether or not they’ll be able to stick to their budgets, or whether they can even afford all of their moving costs. On top of the existing stress that comes with moving, adding a tight budget or monetary situation into the mix really doesn’t help matters. 

    Additionally, moving is known for being pretty unpredictable, even if you do all of the planning possible to try and make sure to have a smooth and affordable move. So how do you tackle these challenges while not breaking the bank, or otherwise having a more expensive experience than you have to? Avoid high moving costs and move efficiently on a budget with our helpful tips on how to save money on moving – especially if you’re moving long distance.

    How to Control Moving Expenses

    First thing’s first. When you’re making a move of any distance, but especially a long-distance one, you’ll need affordable moving services that will give you great prices and great service. For these needs, make sure to contact Carey Moving & Storage for full-service moving and storage services that won’t break your wallet.  

    For all other moving expenses, make sure to properly distribute the money you’ve budgeted for your relocation. By clearly mapping out what money is designated for what, you’ll be able to more properly distribute funds, and know which things cost more than you’d like them to. This will also help to control spending and make you find more affordable solutions to issues you might run into. 

    Move-in the Off-season

    A great way to save money on the moving process is by moving during the off-season, or from October-March. Often (depending on your area), these months will still offer comfortable temperatures and conditions to move in, plus you’ll be able to find better prices and more flexible schedules on the part of moving companies. 


    Especially if you’re using professional movers to go a long distance, a great way to lighten your load while saving money is by decluttering your home. Not only will this eliminate clothing and items that you don’t use or need to bring with you, but it’ll make your move easier for you and your movers, and make it cheaper to move!

    Don’t Pay for Packing Materials

    If you’re choosing to pack your things up by yourself, try to avoid paying for packing materials by getting boxes to reuse from family members, friends, or even old shipping or online shopping boxes that you might have. Start saving boxes from online ordering well ahead of time, and ask around even at local supermarkets or businesses where their shipments leave them with many great boxes that will be recycled anyway. 


    Look at Tax Deductions

    When you do your taxes this year, see if there are any medications you can take for your moving expenses. Many have a lot of qualifications or rules that go with them, but it’s an easy way to make money back on your move if you qualify!


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