DIY Packing: The Basics

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    DIY Packing: The Basics

    You have decided to do all of the packing for your upcoming relocation on your own, but are you aware of the best practices when it comes to DIY packing? Packing isn’t just as simple as placing your belongings into boxes. You need to be sure that you are packing your items securely so that they don’t risk be damaged throughout the move process. Having the right packing materials and clearly labeling as you go are crucial to a thorough DIY packing job. If you are DIY packing, here are some basic rules of thumb to consider.

    Packing Materials

    Having the proper packing materials will go a long way as opposed to using recycled boxes and other materials that may break more easily. Avoid using old boxes that could fall apart if they get too heavy. Here is a list of supplies you will need for a successful DIY pack job:

    • New, strong boxes of different sizes
    • Padding protection such as foam peanuts or Styrofoam pellets
    • Craft or tissue paper (newspaper can leave markings on your items, avoid if possible)
    • Labels and markers for identification
    • Knife, boxcutter, or scissors
    • Packing tape
    • A notebook log for inventory & identification (so you write each belonging and its box and intended room)

    Packing Tips

    • Don’t save everything until the last minute. Pack one room at a time starting weeks before moving day. Pack lesser used rooms first such as the attic or storage rooms.
    • Pack heavier items at the bottom of the box and do not pack heavy large boxes. For example, pack book collections and plate sets in smaller, more manageable boxes.
    • The unpacking process will be much easier if you clearly label everything that you pack. It will also help with the task of directing movers where to place each box in your new home.
    • Save packing any essential items until moving day. You won’t want to have to dig through boxes because you were too prepared!

    You can read more packing tips on our packing tips page. And don’t forget – Carey Moving & Storage offers professional packing services should you decide not to do DIY packing. Good luck!


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