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    Winter Moves  

    It is still officially winter, but tell that to Mother Nature. She seems to have a different schedule for us this year, with the first big winter storm Jonas headed for the east coast this weekend. How does this affect the moving industry? Well luckily it is not our busiest time of year, however, we

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    2015 Allied Magnet States Report

    Carey Moving & Storage is excited to share the 48th Allied Van Lines annual Magnet States Report. No surprise-Texas once again tops the Allied Van Lines Magnet States Report. Florida came in as the second most magnetic state, Arizona as number 3, Oregon as number 4 and South Carolina came in as number 5. Allied

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    5 Tips for Selecting the Right Mover

    As you know moving is one of the most stressful life events and over 10% of the population moves each year. Eliminate the stress and worry of moving by hiring a great moving company that you can trust. The more thought you put into hiring the right moving company, the better your move will be!

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    Carey Moving & Storage is Ready to Work for You This Winter

    With the new year in full swing, it’s easy to get bogged down with the January blues and boredom, but nothing will stand in the way of Carey Moving & Storage getting you moved! The winter months are a great time to turn inward and organize; thoughts, ideas, rooms, spaces etc. Our lives change and

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    Carey Moving & Storage is an Allied Quality Award Winner

    Carey Moving and Storage is proud to announce that we are a recipient of the Allied Quality Mover Award from Allied Van Lines. Carey Moving and Storage is among an elite group of movers that upholds the strict ethical standards and an ongoing high level of customer satisfaction. To receive this award, Allied agents must

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    Hello world!

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